Saturday 9 May 2009

d break up...

i know this is d right choice..
misalnya pun gk putus skrg pasti kedepannya putus..
but that doesn't make it any easier..
rasanya kyk i got something stuck in my throat..
i feel restless..

klo dipikir2,, bykan jeleknya n sakitnya..
dripd bagus2nya.. senengnya byk c,, tp gk nutup rasa sakitnya...
skrg rasanya lega jg..
but it feels weird..
kyk ad yg gk bner..
tp mgkn itu cma perasaan kehilangan aj krn baru putus..
bntar lg jg gk...

im actually quite proud of myself..
i didnt shed a single tear..
n im promising myself not 2 break down..
ud cukup agh nangis2nya dri kmren,,,

skrg time 2 start over..

1 step at a time..

i'll be okay.........

Friday 8 May 2009

What u see, isn't always d truth.

Do u see me smiling?
Well, thats not what my heart r doing.

Can u hear me laughing?
If i dont then i won't be able 2 stop crying.

Do you see me having fun?
Deep down inside i just wanna turn around n run.

Sometimes, often times when ur under 2 much pain, u just wanna turn around n run.
But along d way, ur haunted.
U 4get, that no matter how far u run. U can never escape it.
Cause however hard u try, u can never run from urself.
n ur feelings.
Deep down inside, theres always this niggling thought.
Bothering u. Making u restless.

It won't stop.
It can never stop.
Until u took a break from ur running.
n face those fears.

But how do you get d courage?
d courage to face the things u r most afraid of?
how do u control ur heart so that it doesnt overcome ur logic?
n finally,
how would u b able to make the most dreaded decision,
even though deep down inside you know that its right?

its hard.
its damn hard.
but 4 how long can u just stand there n do nothing?
just wallowing in ur pain n confussion..
not moving 4ward, neither backwards.
u ran,, but ur only running in circles.
with no goals, no finish line.


life is tough,
if u don't get tougher...
well, then thats too bad..
cause life won't wait.