Tuesday, 18 November 2008


kesel BGT.. aku tw koq keadaan slm ini jg gk bner... tp toh aku gk pernah complain.. tp klo kmu boonk gtu kan malah jd kacau.. klo aku jg tw kmu cma boonk bwt ap jg c kmu ngmng kyk gtu?!?!??!

yg bikin kesel tuh aku tw kmu boonk.. n aku gk ngerti knp kmu ngerasa kmu perlu boonk kyk gtu.... skrg aku jd gk tw mksd kmu tuh sbnrnya ap.. sblmny at least i know where i stand,, tho its not where i really wanna b.....

Saturday, 15 November 2008


laptop rusak... jd gk bsa OL dhe.. sebel BGT!!!!!!!!

trus2 c oma ngirim komp...
tapiiiiiiiiiiii pas dicobain ternyata GK BSAAAA JUGAAAAAA....

tp lg dbenerin ma agi c...
awas aj klo msi gk bsa...

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

agonizing drastic swings....

klo lg jatuh cinta itu pusiiiinnkkk BGT y????
klo lg HAPPY rasany nothing could go wrong,,
evrything seems perfect..
but in an instant smuany bsa brubah.....
ad sesuatuuuu aj yg kejadian,, rasaaaannyaaaaaaa
down,, se-down2ny..... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

these mood swings are so damn painful..
seems like im about to burst with joy 1 second,,
n d next thing i kno,, i wanna tear my heart out...

Monday, 27 October 2008


sebel gk c klo loe lg NGAREEEEEPPPP BGT dpt xmx dri seseorang,, tp pas hp loe bunyi n loe ud HEEPPIIEEE BGT berharap itu dri dy,, tp tnyta pas loe liat hp tnyta itu malah xmx dari org yg PALIIINNGGG loe GK MW xmx loe..

astagaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,, gw gk ngerti dhe knp gw msi kepikiran BGT ma tu org... TOLOL BGT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 26 October 2008


or at least in this case
"wat i could get"

God,, this is real stupid.. but i guess its just my silly mood.. it'll pass in a few days.. hope so.. REALLY do hope so....

ive been avoiding &*%$ ever since 4ever... n now,, wished i hadn't done that... nothing could come out of it.. im certain,, but still.. there's sumtin about *&^%..

anyway,, no sense in wasting my time 4 sumtin unprofitable.. tho i cant say it aint worth while... hhhmmmmmmmm....

anyway... hari ini GINTRE08

bkal kangen BGT ama tmen2 wadel... n latian2 dance yg bkin linu2,, n pegel2,, n sakit2,, tp asik,, seru n kocak jg......

all in all..
this is a wonderful day... despite falling back on an old cliche.. haha

one is such a lonely number after all...

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

soft lens-kuw SOBEEEEKKKK

huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,, pdhl tu soft lens bru direndem pake tablet!!!!!!!!!!!
pagi2 gw CAPE2 bilas,, sumpah ssh BGT ngilangin sabunny.. trus kan gk lgsung gw pake krn mata gw lg gk enak...

sore2 kan mw pegi blanja,, kan hrus pake soft lens supaya bsa ngeliat barang2 KEREN dgn asik..
eh pas nyuci sblm make tb2 aj ............................................................................................ SOOOOBBEEEEKKKK!!!

gw cma bsa bengong,, n begony gw tmpel2 lg dgn harapan bsa nyatu lagi... hahahaha
untung td sekalian mw pegi,, jd beli lg dhe...

kali ini warna IJO..

Sunday, 19 October 2008

malesssssssss minta ampuuunnnnn

sumpah y,, bsx itu UTS 2.. prancis ama MBM... mana MBM bahan byk bener,, tp tu males BGT gw bljr.....

gmn ni y???????????????????? kykny ud gk peduli lg mw dpt nilai brp jg.. hiksss,, gelisah c blm bljr,, tp dipaksa jg gk msk2.. males abis.. bntar lg dhe.............................

mana prancis jg blm ngafalin!!!!!!!

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Tangga SenPus!

Uaagghhhhh,, ud lama BGT y gk ngmpul be3... hahahha,, gk berasa trnyta kangen jg... tp kumpul2 lg,, trus keasikan ngmbrol mpe jam10 mlm...

seru BGT ngbrol dgn sgt cepet... waktu yg cma 2 jam lebih dicukup2in bwt saling meng-update berita masing2.........

tp tenang aj,, bsk pagi kan qta mw jalan bareng.... hahaha

All in all,, THIS IS SUCH A HAPPY DAY (minus insiden dvd player rusak gw!!!! haha)

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

mas sosrooooooooooooooooo.....

Senin,, 13 Okt 08
Kantin FISIP jam11an:

Lauren: y ud,, jd sapa yg mw k bu lily ngajuin proposal?? bsk y..
Me: (dlm hati) OMG!! bsk kan mw bljr mati2an bwt perpol n KPI!! mana tu bahan perpol mesti apal mati,, ud gtu KPI gw nitip absen mulu.. mampus aj..
Novita: tu c pricil ktnya mw k bu lily..
Me: aduh kykny gk jd dhe klo bsk,, gw mw bljr..
Novita: yee masa gk smpet bntar doank..
Me: aduh bner pusink BGT gk bsa gw.. gw mesti konsen bner2 seharian gk mw pegi2..
Novita: tp kan bahanny gk segitu byk..
Me: bneran gk bsa gw,, mw konsen k UTS dulu,, serius dhe..
Yurika: ok2,, aku aj yg ke bu lily..

Selasa,, 14 Okt 08
Ciumbuleuit123 kamar no.8

Siang sekitar jam12an
Me: (dlm hati) agh,, liat2 bahan perpol agh......
............................................................................................................... (15 menit kemudian)
Me: Tuhan Yesus,, ampun sumpah males BGT.. tp jnji ntar bljr n pasti bsa..

akirny malah chatting selama 2 jam,, haha.. tp jam 3an bljr selama 1 jam secara intensif n lancar2 aj..

Sore sekitar jam6an
Me: bljr KPI yuuuuuuukkkkkk,, perasaan bahanny gk sebyk perpol..
...............trnyta,, jeng-jeng-jeng.............................. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--setelah 10 menit pertama mencoba baca

Me: sumpah ini apa c???????? gk msuk otak ma x.. who cares islam Muhammadiyah mw ngapain?!?!? Grrrrr... Apa mungkin laper x y gw?? Makan dlu x y??

--akirny gw malah makan smbil ntn dvd gossip girl,, n keterusan mpe jam9 mlm.. wakakak

Mlm jam10an
Me: Ud serius baca2 KPI dlu.. mampus aj bsok..

--setelah 20menit duduk baca2 n malah ngelamunin hal gk jelas................................... gw sampai pada suatu keputusan,,

Me: Kykny gw mesti tdur aj,, mending bgun pagi trus bljr.. psti lebih msuk,, pgi kan lbi fresh,, biasa gw bljr pagi lancar...

--trus gw pasang alarm jam8 pagi..

Rabu 15 Okt 08
Ciumbuleuit123 kamar no.8

Jam6 pagi
--setelah baliq dri kmr mandi...........

Me: Agh bobo lg,, alarm jdi jam stenga9 aj agh.. kan ujian jam stenga1.. msi byk wktu

Jam stenga9
Me: aduh,, males euy lgsung bljr.. buka fs dlu agh,, trus baca novel bntar...

--alhasil gw bru bljr jam stenga 10.. n cma 1 jam krn abis tu gw makan n siap2.. wakakak......

Jam stenga1
Universitas Parahyangan Bandung,, Gedung 3,, ruang 3502,, kursi ujian 167
UTS perpol....
Me: ahahahhahahahahahah,, cetekk,,,,, cihuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...

--n dlm stenga jam ud beres tu perpol.

Jam 1
Universitas Parahyangan Bandung,, Gedung 3,, lantai 5
Me: Astaga,, beljr KPI ni.. bntar lg ujianny
Novita: beli jus yuk!
Me: OMG!! jangan gw mw belajar dsini aj!! tar gw failed ni!!!
Yurika: ya elah cil,, qta jg butuh istirahat dlu x.. hahaha.. jalan dlu aj yuk..
Novita: yuk,, yuk,, beli jus!
Me: hiks,, y ud dhe,, tp bis tu ksini y bljr lg..

--15menit kmudian
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan,, KKBM Unpar
Me: eh jus alpukatnya abis,, ud agh.. qta k Mie Jak aj.. makan
Novita: yeh,, ktnya mw bljr??
Me: bodo,, makan dlu..
Novita: bneran ni??
Yurika: c pricil mah klo ud mkir makan ud gk peduli...
Me: y klo laper gk bsa mikir...

--20 menit kmudian
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan,, lantai 5
Me: eh2 nov,, coba jelasin yg td... ini teori apaan???
Nov: bla,, bla,, bla,, bla (gk ush gw tulisin yg ini,, bsa gila gw..)

Some1: eh yuk2,, msuk...
Me: (dlm hati) OMG,, gw kgk tw ap2.. ngecap wae deh..

Jam stenga4
Universitas Katolik Parahayangan,, lantai 5
Me: eh2,, gmn td??? lumayan y?? walau gw gk gtu lngkap... not bad lagh

--akirny qta membahas jwbn2 qta td... n u kno wat??????????????



Geek In D Pink

Yo, brother A to Z Yo, waz up B? Yo, what time is it? Haha... It's laundry day!*scat*well let the geek in the pink take a stab at it if you like the way I'm thinkin' baby wink at it I may be skinny at times but I'm fat full of rhymes pass me the mic and I'm a grab at it well isn't it delicious crazy way that I'm kissin' this baby listen to this don't wanna miss it while it's hittin' sometimes you gotta fit in to get in but don't ever quit cuz soon I'm gonna let you in but see I don't care what you might think about me you'll get by without me if you want well I could be the one to take you home baby we could rock the night alone if we never get down it wouldn't be a let down but sugar don't forget what you already know that I could be the one to turn you out we could be the talk across the town don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another you might regret what you let slip away like the geek in the pink well like the geek in the pink, yeah, haha the geek in the pink *scat*well this relationship fodder don't mean to bother nobody but cupid's automatic musta fired multiple shots at her because she fall in love too often that's what the matter at least I'm talkin about her keep my pattern of flattery and she was staring through the doorframe and eyeing me down like already a bad boyfriend well she can get her toys outta the drawer then cause I ain't comin' home, I don't need that attention, see I don't care what she might think about me she'll get by without me if she want well I could be the one to take her home baby we could rock the night alone if we never get down it wouldn't be the let down but sugar don't forget what you already know that I could be the one to turn you out we could be the talk across the town don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another you might regret what you let slip away hey baby look at me go from zero to hero you better take it from a geek like me well I can save you from unoriginal dum-dums who wouldn't care if you complete them or not so what I've got a short attention span a coke in my hand because I'd rather have the afternoon, relax and understand My hip hop and flip flops well it don't stop with the light rock my shot to mock you kinda puts me in the tight spot the hype is nothing more than hoo-hah so I'm developing a language and I'm calling it my own so take a peek into the speaker and you'll see what I mean that on the other side the grass is greener I don't care what you might think about me you'll get by without me if you want I could be the one to take you home baby we could rock the night alone if we never get down it wouldn't be a let down but sugar don't forget what you already know that I could be the one to turn you out we could be the talk across the town don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another you might regret what you let slip away like the geek in the pink well I'm the geek in the pink, yo Geek is the color for fall I'm the geek in the pink So I'm the geek ya'll.. In the pink ya'll.. Geek is the color for fall I'm the geek in the pink